What's the Best Dentist in Fredericksburg, VA for Men 50 and Older?

Losing natural teeth can happen for a series of reasons, especially when you hit the age of 50. The older you get, the higher the likelihood of conditions such as gum disease, which can spell issues for your pearly whites.

Elderly patients who have not been to the dentist in years are especially a point of concern. Many people will opt for what some will not-so-affectionately call "old people dentures" to address the problem, but that's not necessarily the best way to deal with things.

Below, you'll get an overview of the dental implant placement process and why it may be the perfect thing for older men.

Why Do Old People Have Dentures?

Unlike younger patients who are more likely to have their teeth in order, older patients often don't and need some kind of replacement to improve their quality of life. As you probably know, you need your teeth to pronounce certain letters well, and more importantly, you need them to chew well!

Additionally, it can be a huge confidence booster. The question is, why dentures specifically? Well, they're a quick and cheap fix to an immediate problem. Does that make them the best option for you? Not necessarily. Now it's time to jump into where your head should be.

What Is Dental Implant Treatment?

A dental implant is a titanium screw, meant to replace what would be the tooth root of a natural tooth. Thankfully, you can have them put into either the upper or lower jaw, depending on whichever area needs focus.

At the implant site, there will be a fusion with your bone, which makes it the perfect anchor for your replacement tooth. This bond with the bone tissue is one of the reasons why an implant is such a highly recommended dental surgery.

How the Procedure Works

Before the dental implant surgery, an imaging procedure is done to find the extent to which your jaw bone can adequately hold the titanium posts. A planning phase is done to ensure the best results.

As far as the actual procedure goes, local anesthetic and a sedative will be used in a process that sees precision channels created into the jawbone, with the implants fitted in, so they make bone contact. About two-six months will need to pass to allow a proper fusion before the tooth restorations are attached.

An abutment will be placed at the time of implant. This will provide the joining mechanism to the crown. In the end, everything should be indistinguishable from your natural teeth.

Can You Be Too Old for Dental Implants?

Questions such as "is 70 too old for dental implants?" come up all the time. The answer is a resounding no. As someone who is 50 years old or above, an implant dentist can work with you.

The whole idea of the consultation/evaluation phase is to see what you're working with and what may need to be done ahead of the procedure. For example, if your current bone density at the site is not enough, a bone graft may be done to minimize the likelihood of dental implant failure.

Similarly, the presence of gum disease can be a concern and would need to be addressed before implant treatment.

How Do You Select the Best Dentist in Fredericksburg, VA?

Your choice of dental surgeon will largely impact not only how well the implant placement goes, but also how comfortable you feel with the procedure. A good idea is always to pay attention to how the communication flows when you go in for that initial consultation.

Typically, a good dentist will use simple language to keep you in the loop as much as possible, and they will also give you the reassurance you need.

Once you feel like you understand as a non-professional and that you've had a warm and welcoming experience, you're usually in the right place.

Wrapping It Up

A dental implant is an excellent solution for older patients who may need artificial teeth to improve their oral quality of life. It starts with a consultation phase that provides essential information such as the extent to which bone grafting is necessary to address bone loss.

Once the process is complete though, the result will be all but indistinguishable from your natural teeth!

Frequently Asked Questions

How Old Can You Be for Your First Dental Visit?

While it's always advised to start going to the dentist as early as possible, the adage "better late than never" applies here. So, if you've been caring for your teeth alone all this time, now's a perfect moment to start getting the assistance of dental professionals.

The same goes for you if you're one of the elderly patients who hasn't been to the dentist in years.

Am I Too Old for Dental Implants?

Experienced dentists can place dental implants in patients of all ages. Sure, there are age-related factors of concern, but it's more about the unique situation going on in your mouth. Don't be afraid to do your consultation and potentially improve your quality of life.

How Old Do You Have to Be to Get Dentures for Your Missing Teeth?

At any age you start to have missing teeth, you can replace them with dentures. However, implants provide a better permanent solution, and you don't have to worry about issues such as continued bone loss.

Should an 80-year-old Get Dental Implants?

Dental implants work for patients of all ages. Even if you are 80 years old, head to the dentist and start your consultation!